The Innovative PM: Cultivating Creativity in the Evolving Hybrid Workspace

Creativity is the most desired soft skill in today's workforce. But what is its role in Project Management? As the workforce environment shifts, PMs will be asked to reimagine the ways in which people, processes, platforms, and policy interact. Therein lies an opportunity for established and emerging PMs to shift from the traditional approaches to a more inclusive, forward-thinking culture.

As a project management consultant, I know firsthand what creativity can do for a PM, especially as we transition into a hybrid workspace. 

This month I was invited to conduct a webinar hosted by Project Management Update, an online collection of the leading industry thought leadership in the form of blogs, webinars, and downloadable resources.

My webinar The Innovative PM explores this and more - all through the lens of creative flow!

Thank you PM Update and Project Manager for the opportunity to share the magic of cultivating creativity with over 500 registrants globally. I look forward to collaborating with you all again soon. 

If you'd like to join the conversation head to PM Update to watch the free webinar replay here

And when you do, connect with me on LinkedIn and tell me something inspired you!


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