#tbt Mercury Rx Edition: That Time I Interviewed Chrisette Michele 

In honor of this wild Mercury Rx, I figured I’d pull an oldie but goodie out of the vault! Originally published Jan 1, 2013, this interview with Chrisette Michelle was the first celebrity interview of my career on my artist resource blog Everyday SunRai, ☺️ and more importantly it represents one of the humble milestones of my Creative Flow Alchemy inquisitive season.

One a recent recording of my latest joy project Pleasure and Play, my friend and biz BFF Kaycee asks me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and to which I replied: “a journalist” — among other things. Kaycee then asked if I’d achieved my childhood dreams. 

My automatic response was — not exactly. I mean I didn’t quite make my way to Northwestern’s Medill BUT, I'll be damned — your girl had in fact, entered journalism at the young age of 23. With no training, no accolades, no higher degree. I did have a few crucial things — a purpose, vision, passion, and GRIT. 

When I decided to start a blog I had no idea it would lead to me opening my very own consulting firm to support creatives in a way I never imagined possible, especially from my tiny studio apartment.

As I’ve reflected on this retrograde on my career journey, I’m reminded how important it is to show the process and how much more valuable it is to invite others into it. So I’ve sat down last night to create the next CFA Case Study and you’re invited to attend a bonus live training where we’ll explore the Creative Flow Alchemy® journey of my very first client... Me!


Attend the live training “how it started …an interactive case study” Friday, October 8 at noon Central.

See You There!

From the archives: please enjoy my blog + interview with Chrisette Michele


I’ve met some amazing musicians over the last year and to celebrate the launch of Everyday SunRai, I wanted to kick off the month of January by showcasing that talent. 

As an opener to this series, the team at the Shrine Chicago and Swank Publishing made it possible for me to have the privilege of featuring an incredible vocalist. A singer who has since her debut into the music industry worked with the most talented and renowned figures in hip hop. 

She has been featured in Nas’s Can’t Forget About You, Jay Z’s Lost One, and Rick Ross’s Aston Martin Music. Chrisette Michele possesses a gift like no other and a voice and vision filled with love for independence, culture, family, and faith. I’m honored to have had the chance to sit down during her visit to Chicago the weekend of December 7, 2012, to celebrate her birthday and kick off the release of her latest project The Audrey Hepburn Mix-Tape.

I arrived at the Shrine where I chilled with other members of the press during performance prep. Even during warm-ups, Chrisette rocked the stage; each track fresh and soulful to the set.

A few minutes before it was time for us to talk, I noticed she seemed quite reserved off stage. She wore a stylish brown hat with her hair peeking out from the front, revealing funky honey blonde highlights. Her eyes were hidden by a pair of oversized shades. 

Her overall presence was calm and serene. How she managed to remain so composed after hours of travel and rehearsals, followed by meet-and-greets truly perplexed me. That was until I met her mother and father. It was clear that both parents adored Chrisette and she revered them. They were there to celebrate and support their daughter, her accomplishment and offer her emotional support.

Chrisette was a REAL person. She had a REAL family. Like many of my peers who have begun to taste success, Chrisette still desires to be accepted and respected for her individuality. So, I tossed my questions aside and decided to ask her the things that I felt would capture the essence of Chrisette the person.  

I asked her several questions that I felt would allow her to express her plans for future projects. I was surprised by her response of who she looks forward to working with most in the future. She named Lem Payne, hip hop artist who happens to be Michele’s brother. Both artists have collaborated in the mix-tape Love Thy Brother as a tribute to her fans and a symbol of their relationship. It was such a genuine answer and revealed Chrisette’s family values. She also mentioned that she hopes to work with hip hop artist Nello Lucci who happens to be Chrisette’s cousin.

I am most grateful for her advice to artists who are entering the music industry. One tip she offers that I completely relate to is, “write everything down”. It takes experience to gain that kind of wisdom. Even at thirty, (Although you’ll hear us joke about her turning 21 during her interview), she is still defining her aesthetic. She keeps it fresh and hip as she shares who Chrisette is with the world. 

FYI- I am in love with track 7 -Your Fair Lady on the mix-tape. It’s a raw and gritty track that embodies Chrisette’s love for blaring instrumentation. Feels very Prince-like…think The Beautiful Ones ☺.

Check it out and our entire interview audio clip above and tell me what you think!

Chrisette’s Mix-tape” Audrey Hepburn: An Audiovisual Presentation" is available for FREE download @ www.Coast2CoastMixtapes.com. This work is artistic genius. Go check it out!

Thank you, Chrisette, for supporting Everyday SunRai and our artistic aspiration.


You, Me, and AAVE.


What About My Body, Body?